The UK’s leading Fuel Management specialist, FuelQuip Ltd, has launched a highly concentrated fuel conditioning treatment, FuelCare, to simultaneously combat Diesel and Petrol Bug in one simple, fast acting solution.
Scientifically formulated to absorb and remove water particles in fuel, FuelCare kills bacteria, breaks down sludge and completely cleans a fuelling system from the inside out.
With a 100% success rate, FuelCare guarantees results on even the most highly contaminated cases when used as part of the FuelQuip Fuel Maintenance Program.
Suitable for use with all types of Diesel and Petrol engines, as well as being compatible with Bio-Fuels and Hi-Tech Diesels, simply pour FuelCare into your fuel tank before refuelling to protect your vehicles from Diesel / Petrol Bug.

Industries used, but not limited to:
- Mining
- Marine
- Farming
- Transportation
Features & Benefits
- Absorbs & Removes Water
- Kills & Prevents Fungal & Microbial Growth
- Dissolves Solidified Fuel Residues
- Disperses & Inhibits Sludge & Slime Build-Up
- Inhibits Wax, Gum & Varnish Deposits
- Reduces Filter Blockage
- Cleans Fuel Tanks, Lines & Injectors
- Helps to Decarbonise Combustion Chambers
- Does Not Contain Any Metals or Hydrocarbons
- Will Not Damage Catalytic Convertors
- Does Not Harm Fuelling Equipment
- Burns Off Completely
- Extends Fuel Storage Life
Fuel contamination creates a complete fuelling nightmare. It can be seen blocking baffles, clogging filters, floating in fuel, coating the sides of tanks and collecting at the bottom in a foul rotten egg smelling mess.
Do you have dark, hazy or milky fuel?
Does you fuel have debris floating in it?
Are your filters constantly clogged with
black sludge and slime?
Is your fuel pump spitting or spluttering?
Have you noticed it dispensing slower than normal?
Has your vehicle suffered loss of power or RPM?
Is your vehicle emitting excessive smoke?
You may have Diesel or Petrol Bug and could benefit from using FuelCare.
For more information about Diesel Bug
click here Diesel Bug
If you suspect you have fuel contamination, or you would like to find out more about FuelCare and how the FuelQuip Fuel Maintenance Program can help you, call 0845 838 1048 or email